My teenager just got in a car accident.  This is a phrase that most of us with children have said at least once in our lives.  No one wants their child to undergo the trauma of a car accident.  But over 300,000 teenagers are treated in emergency rooms each year from car accidents.  If you prepare your teen and have the proper information, the event can run smoother.

Prepare Your Teenager

When your teenager starts driving, it is important to have a conversation with them about what to do if they are involved in a car accident.  They should know where the insurance documents are, who their emergency contact is, and what to do at the scene of the accident.

Scene of the Accident

Let your teenager know that the key is to stay calm.  You need to help set this mood.  Do this when you first talk about what to do.  Also, after you get the call that your teenager just got in a car accident.

My second daughter got in her first car accident at the age of sixteen.  She called me to tell me that she had just been involved in a car wreck.  She remembers that that my first concern was her safety.  I told her that I didn’t care about the car and I was glad that she was not injured.  I told her that was why we have insurance.  It was just an accident.  She remembers to this day how we handled it.

Make sure that your teenager stays safe at the scene.  Have them fill out the MLF Legal Car Wreck Checklist.  If they completely fill out the checklist, you will have all the information to handle the accident claim.

After The Accident Scene

 Do not sign anything from the insurance company.  Call your lawyer.  They will review the information and let you know what you need to do.  They will also set up a medical exam.  Many injuries don’t appear for a few days after the accident.  Hopefully, there are no injuries.  But it is best to be sure.


None of us want to find out that our teenager just got in a car accident.  But if we prepare the materials and our teenagers, we are less likely to see problems.

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