Standard possession order for weekends is an important way for both parents to stay actively involved in their children’s lives.  If you are both managing conservators ,or one is a possessory, a possession order will be created.  The following is the standard possession order.


On weekends that occur during the regular school term, beginning at 6:00 P.M. or the time the child’s school is regularly dismissed, on the first, third, and fifth Friday of each month and ending at 6:00 P.M. on the following Sunday or the time the child’s school resumes after the weekend. On weekends that do not occur during the regular school term, beginning at 6:00 P.M. on the first, third, and fifth Friday of each month and ending at 6:00 P.M. on the following Sunday.

Weekend Possession Extended by a Holiday

Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Standard Possession Order, if a weekend period of possession by Possessory Conservator begins on a student holiday or a teacher in-service day that falls on a Friday during the regular school term, as determined by the school in which the child is enrolled, or a federal, state, or local holiday that falls on a Friday during the summer months when school is not in session, that weekend period of possession shall begin at 6:00 P.M. on the immediately preceding Thursday/the time the child’s school is regularly dismissed on the Thursday immediately preceding the student holiday or teacher in-service day and 6:00 P.M. on the Thursday immediately preceding the federal, state, or local holiday during the summer months.  Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Standard Possession Order, if a weekend period of possession by Possessory Conservator ends on or is immediately followed by a student holiday or a teacher in-service day that falls on a Monday during the regular school term, as determined by the school in which the child is enrolled, or a federal, state, or local holiday that falls on a Monday during the summer months when school is not in session, that weekend period of possession shall end at 6:00 P.M. on that Monday.


If a standard possession order for weekends works for you and your ex, it will be fairly simple to get the standard order approved.  But if you need a different plan, the best thing to do is to work it out with your ex.  If it can’t be worked out, the court will use the best interest of the child shall as the primary consideration in determining possession.

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