Obstructing a highway or other passageway in Texas is generally a class b misdemeanor.  Until recently we generally saw the charge of obstructing a highway as an alternative charge for driving while intoxicated.

However, with today’s environment people who are protesting are being charged with obstructing a highway or other passageway.  Even if you are not taken into custody, but you receive a ticket for this charge, take it very seriously.  It is not like a traffic ticket and it may affect you for the rest of your life.

Criminal Charge for Obstruction of Highway

You can be charged with obstructing a highway or other passageway if you without permission intentionally, knowingly or recklessly:

Police will use this authority to remove protestors.  For example, you are attending peaceful protest.  You are moving with a large group of people.  They lead you into an area where there is not permission to protest.  You can be arrested. 


The police may or may not give you a warning.  If you do not know if the area is permitted for the protest, get out.  Don’t take a chance of being arrested.  If you are arrested, contact an attorney immediately.  A class b misdemeanor could cost you your job and the ability to even get credit or an apartment.

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