You’ve just gotten in an accident in a company truck.  What happens now?  You have a lot of questions that need to be answered. 

The questions should include:

In Texas there are almost 300,000 people injured in motor vehicle accidents per year.  Many of these accidents occur while people are working or traveling for work.

There are many attorneys who handle normal motor vehicle accidents in Texas.  However, there is a very limited number of attorneys who understand the pros and cons of how to handle a motor vehicle accident involving company trucks. It may be a workers’ compensation claim, a motor vehicle claim, or maybe both. It is important that you select the right attorney for your claim.

Many employers have commercial liability policies which have considerably higher limits than most personal motor vehicle accident policies.  But workers’ compensation policies may provide benefits to a widow for the rest of her life.  If you have the right attorney, they will help you make the right decision for you.  Unfortunately, some attorneys may select to pursue the claim that has higher attorney’s fees.

There are questions that must be answered shortly after the accident.  How should they be answered? Insurance companies will want to take your recorded statement.  Their job is to mitigate damages for the insurance company. Their questions will help to establish this.  Your employer is a for profit business. They will want to protect themselves from damages. 


If you’ve been involved in an accident in a company truck, you need to protect your own interest.  Therefore, it is important to get your attorney involved as soon as possible.  It could be a factor in determining if your claim will fully compensate you.

the Social Security Disability Handbook

Claims Guide

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