Why is it important to understand social media during a Texas divorce? We have become a social media society.  27% of all online time is spent on social media network sites.  Facebook has over 2.5 billion monthly users.  More than half of adults in the United States have a profile on a social networking site.

If you are complementing or currently going through a divorce (or any kind of litigation), you need to be very conscious of anything you post online.

Things you should know:

Things you should do:


Social networking sites like Instagram, Facebook, TicToc, LinkedIn, and Twitter represent a revolution in the way people communicate and share information.  This sharing can come with a high price for the unwary. If you have the will power, it might be a good time to take a hiatus from social media during a Texas divorce.  When you meet with your attorney, make sure that you discuss your social media usage.

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